Environmental & Social Initiatives

Basic Policy

We are aware that a company is a public institution,
and believe in the importance of taking responsibility
for how corporate activities could affect the community.
We look toward the future as we strive to create products based on being considerate of the environment, and make active efforts to
implement social contribution activities.

Kyowaseikan and the SDGs

We established three statements on materiality in order to contribute toward the realization
of a sustainable society.

13 気候変動に具体的な対策を
15 陸の豊かさも守ろう

We protect the limited forest resources and help reduce CO2 emissions by actively utilizing FSC® certified paper made from environmentally friendly wood materials.
We also measure the amount of CO2 emissions in logistics, and select
the most optimal and efficient logistics route. We promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

12 つくる責任つかう責任
14 海の豊かさを守ろう

We work with many products that use pulp molds and biodegradable resin. We are also working on research and development to produce packaging made from environmentally friendly materials such as recycled paper and non-wood paper. We are making effort to reduce the environmental burden caused by waste plastic, while recreating the durability and workability of plastic.

5 ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
8 働きがいも経済成長も
10 人や国の不平等をなくそう

We are promoting the development of a work environment that encourages employees with diverse backgrounds and lifestyles to participate even more actively, such as by enabling them to balance work and family life regardless of gender or provide nursing care while working, as well as by being inclusive toward those identified as sexual minorities and people of diverse nationalities.

Our Initiatives
